Thursday, September 3, 2015

Let's get started!!!

Bonjour there everyone!
I am so excited to be writing my first post here and finally beginning my journey of a blogger!!!! *yipee* :D I love writing and expressing my views and what better than my own personal blog to do it. But before starting with my posts, I would like to tell you people a little bit about me (I promise just a teeny tiny bit). So here goes peeps:
As you would have understood by the name of my blog, "The shop-it-all chic", I am a complete shopaholic!! I see people with a fetish for shoes, some for bags, apparel, etc but I absolutely love to shop everything, right from apparel to fragrances. And in the words of fashion diva miss Carrie Bradshaw - "I like my money where I can see it - hanging in my closet!" ;) But who am I?
I am a software engineer/business analyst by profession, working in Mumbai but belong to (dil walon di) Delhi. I absolutely love my Delhi-Mumbai connection. Delhi is my home town while being in Mumbai for work has given me such an amazing experience.
Coming back to the love for fashion, it comes to me naturally. I have no background or a degree in fashion but can spend hours reading fashion blogs, getting to know about the latest trends in India and abroad, how the celebs style themselves, how fashion has evolved over the years. I love to shop what impresses and attracts me, be it anything. My love for fashion and styling grew in college when I saw some fashion bloggers presenting new styles every week and I discovered that I could go through these blogs for hours and not be bored. Instead, I would find it so interesting to study the different styles and celebs. From there, the love has only grown and here I am finally doing what had been due for a long time! ( IT job, you know the work pressure *sigh*)
Besides my IT job and fashion world, I love to read and sing.I love to meet new people and am a total travel person, wanting to explore new places all the time!!
So this was a little something about the new blogger in town. Let's get started with my fashion world now!! Here we go!!!!! :D
XOXO,                                                                                                                                                         TheShopItAll_Chic

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